Who Don’t Love A Top-10 List? PingWi-Fi On SXSW

March 18th, 2009 · Tags:Cities · Hotels · Restaurant · Satire · Wi-Fi

No doubt there are too many embarrassing moments and too much stuff I can’t repeat from SXSW Interactive.  But, I figure why not share some details.  In addition to finding great Wi-Fi at The Four Seasons, Garden District, The Driskil, Halcyon, Austin Java, Jo’s and more … here are the …

Top 10 Pings from SXSW:

  • Seeing bats fly out from under the bridge, no guano in my vicinity, yo.
  • “Owning” free-parking secret space, minutes from SXSW, riding bike … sweet.
  • Cab driver who tried to kill me on bike, at Four Seasons, apologized, scraped me off asphalt.
  • Enjoyed ego-fest at most of the panel or group discussions … “Oh yah, well I got more followers.” “Oh yah, well … my followers are smarter.”
  • Falling asleep in the “Free” discussion, in spite of Guy Kawasaki’s hilarious quips (“I ti’de, lode knows I ti’de”).
  • Meeting “Smokey” from “The Big Lebowski.” (Singer/Songwriter legend Jimmie Dale Gilmore) I hear Smokey rolls a mean one — bowling ball that is.
  • Flying under radar as “illegal immigrant” attendee of SXSW festival …
  • Meeting Shankman and Solis. Talking with Almacy (former Whitehouse interactive guru)!
  • Getting the go ahead to interview DEVO! After seeing David Garza and Bob Schneider in the same small venue.
  • Wearing new Mullet t-shirt from Circus Mashimus as proof that my own hair day is not quite as bad as I thought.

Know what I sayin?