“What can I get started for you?”
Am I the only one who hates it … no actually dislikes it, (hate is too strong) … when the Starbucks barista asks that question? I have heard the question in a few hundred Starbucks around the States … more on that in a moment.
So … if you are like me, and that question drives you nuts, let’s do this thing. The next time you are asked “What can I get started for you?” … well … fire right back at them, “Actually, I prefer you complete the thing.”
Ha … Weak!
To borrow a phrase, here’s what I am “getting started.” The goal of this blog is to explore the wireless Web. Even if people are more tightly fastened to “the grid” with all of this mobile technology, they are now free to do whatever it is they do, from just about anywhere. Work, play, work … repeat.
So, the mission is to explore wireless mobility wherever I can find it. These days that hotspot may be at 40,000 feet, or as close as the corner coffee shop.
“And this ain’t my first rodeo.” A few years ago, when public Wi-Fi was in its infancy, I made a similar trip, hitting every major city in the country — driving each and every mile. (Interestingly, most of those cities have tried their hand at free municipal Wi-Fi since then … and many have failed. So we’ll look at that too.)
My, my how things have changed. Today there is Wi-Fi offered on several airlines, so this time there will be lots of air time – although there is nothing like a good road trip, and I’ll do some time behind the wheel.
Another significant change – scratch off about 600 hotspots from the list of sure-fire Wi-FI locations with Starbucks planning to close many locations. Yes, there will be quite a hit felt in the force that day young Luke …
Perhaps most significant – the price of a gallon of gas is now more expensive than most of the drinks at Starbucks. Now, there’s an interesting economic indicator for you. Nevertheless, beg, borrow or steal, this blog will cover the country and we hope you’ll come along for the ride.
Each report will have a rating. For a better understanding of our 1-7 Ping-ometer, click the Method 2 Madness button above.
What else? Oh … bear with us as we complete our tests on the Web site and add a few pieces of content here and there. (We invite you to sign up for the RSS feed at the bottom of this page to receive notices when we update.) Meanwhile, we invite you to check out a few highlights from the first Wi-Fi trip in the Archive section on the side of this blog. There are quite a few photos as well.
Now for something entirely different, you can test your pseudo groupie skills in the Bogus Band Names category above.
And for those who take pleasure in the little things, we have rehashed some silly PingWi-Fi blogs in Blogs About Nothing.
Also, when we find a few celebs willing to give us the time of day, they will be added to the VIPeeps section. For now … Strummer is all we have, but … I mean!
So, please feel free to “kick the tires and take the site for a test drive.” Meanwhile, our test drive to Santa Fe, New Mexico is up next and will post in the next few days.
Then, we take off on our first test flight with some Wi-Fi exploration along the coast of Florida … assuming Hannah will let us land.
Know what I sayin?