PingWi-Fi Joins Civic Posse At Omni Fort Worth Hotel

January 12th, 2009 · Tags:Cities · Hotels

Mayor Mike Moncrief

Mayor Mike Moncrief

Several years ago, I did consulting work for a public affairs company in Dallas.  At that time, they were part of the coalition to “put down” all this crazy talk about a convention hotel in Fort Worth.  The public affairs team was spearheaded by a young, hard-hitting, self-assured woman who promised me that there “would be no Fort Worth convention center hotel.”  She and the team won several minor skirmishes in the battle.

Talk Of The Town

Talk Of The Town

Being a consultant, I provided counsel: “The Bass brothers and other prominent civic leaders in Fort Worth are backing the idea for a convention hotel — there will be a convention hotel — period.  Because what is good for Fort Worth is good for the Bass brothers and vice versa.”  (Excuse me while I scoff.)

She laughed at me, no doubt still high on the sweet billable hours incurred.

Well … today I attended the ribbon cutting and reception for the new Fort Worth Omni Hotel.  Pinch me (because I do rather enjoy being pinched) but it seemed to me to be reality.

Fort Worth Omni Hotel, a reality

Fort Worth Omni Hotel, a reality

Granted, there were many who said it wouldn’t happen, including USA Today in March 2004, as they reported the deal was sunk.  Yes, the project had its ups and downs.  And before it was all said and done, the plan to fund the tower was transformed from public-ownership, to a sizable tax abatement for Omni.  But they got her done.

So today we celebrate!  There was a marching band on the street outside.  Heck .. they even marched right on in the door after the dignitaries said their peace. I would guestimate there were about 400 people in attendance — by far the most I have ever seen for a ribbon slice.

There were TV cameras everywhere, and of course an honor guard from the Fort Worth Police Department on horseback, ya’ll.



There were speeches filled with accolades and thank yous for the politicians, civic leaders and the power brokers who made the deal work.  And there was a nice welcome by the hotel general manager and the head of Omni Hotels.

And yes!  Everyone who attended the ribbon cutting was treated to a suede leather cowboy hat.  And then we reciprocated with a mandatory “yeehaw.”  But then we checked our “hokey” at the door.



Inside, the new Omni is world class — of course there is some tasteful western art, but there is also a swank living room of a lobby, hip white leather chairs, stone staircases, multiple restaurants, a workout facility, a museum store — even a 3-story stone wall (that frankly, made me want to climb something).



Convention planners, bring it on.  Already dates are booking up.  It was just announced that for the Super Bowl in 2011 the AFC team will lodge in the tower overlooking the Fort Worth Water Gardens and convention center.  (There is also a special rate offered to Metroplex residents to get acquainted with the new digs.)

But, is there Wi-Fi?

Not yet!

So, as the grand poobah of this blog, I will therefore exercise my authority to postpone any rating of the facility and its wireless connectivity.  (Now doesn’t that just sound like a perfect little set up for the sequel?)

Know what I sayin?