PingWi-Fi Samplin Some Love — SWA Take Me To Vegas

January 8th, 2009 · Tags:Airports · Gadgets · Satire

I got me some big luv and Wi-Fi goin at Love Field … getting ready to hop on a Southwest Airlines ride to Vegas for the CES show.  Can’t wait to see all of the new toys.

Say, I have been twittering away on the twittosphere, inviting President Elect Obama to attend CES this year.  Why not, if anyone one industry was instrumental in propelling his message to win the White Houuse, it was certainly the devout in high tech?

Ha … the news channel here at the airport just showed an Obama photo opp., touting how much he checks his crackberry.  Walk the walk … walk the exhibit hall at CES soon-to-be Mr. Prez.

So, let me know if he RSVPs, ah-ight?

We shall see.  I should also point out that I contributed some big bucks to his inauguration fund, because we all know money talks.  The minimum donation was five bucks.  So, I am pretty sure I turned some heads with my $5.02 donation … two cents worth and all that.

I digress …

So anyway, I am at Gate 15 at Love Field.  Southwest is about to provide a big cushy seat with the leg room I crave … and the Wi-Fi is here in full force.  I have the HP fired up and blogging on PingWi-Fi thanks to AT&T … about to update FaceBook and LinkedIn … and even more cool … my friends at Boingo are in the house too and I am using their service with my iPhone … twittering on that unit.  I feel like … like … like so conncected.

Boarding for Vegas … good Wi-Fi and Southwest makes me feeled so loved — 6 pings.