Houston Wins Ground War, Takes Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl

December 31st, 2008 · Tags:Sports

Line of Scrimmage

Line of Scrimmage

In a game that set a record for rushing attempts — 97 carries — The Houston Coo-Gs (as I like to call them) won the 2008 Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl, outlasting Air Force 34-28.

Houston scored their last TD with 10:58 showing on the clock.  But Air Force answered with just over six minutes remaining, making the score 26 -31.  Air Force elected to go for two points, and ran the ball in, to trail by only three, 28-31.

Bruce, Tyler Raben

Bruce, Tyler Raben

Houston closed out the scoring with a 37-yard field goal, and Air Force was unable to answer.

What a game … and yes, this year PingWi-Fi was the first to twitter the entire Armed Forces Bowl … live from the pressbox … in addition to this blog.

And yes Amon G. Carter Stadium has excellent Wi-Fi … allowing blogging and twittering from the sidelines and the pressbox … great game! … 7 pings.

Know what I sayin?

Two-Point Conversion

Two-Point Conversion