Listing Aimlessly, While Love Takes A Back Seat

December 8th, 2008 · Tags:Coffee Shops · Satire

I had coffee with Craig once … but until recently, I had not used his list.  Then, the other day, I posted a garage sale item, hoping someone would carry away my old couch and love seat.

Craig Lists

Craig Lists

(Don’t tell them I will accept any price, just to get rid of the things …)

Anyway … have you ever posted an item for sale on  Well, if you do, there is an interesting disclaimer.  I scanned Craig’s forbidden list pretty quickly, but one section stood out like a sore appendage.  It is disallowed, in writing, to sell blood, body fluids and/or body parts.  What the heck is that about?

It doesn’t get specific about that last one.  So, I am wondering exactly what that means.  And my curious nature ponders if the rules differentiate between selling body parts that are unattached, versus selling body parts intact.

Oh cool … I just got an e-mail responding to my furniture ad … one second … brb …

Well, I am a little disappointed.  I just knew the e-mail was going to be some offbeat personal — not that I am in the market for some “spare body part” attached or otherwise …  or whatever …. but I thought the note would make a nice little addition to this blog for grins.

No such luck … it was some group that offered to remove the furniture, if I don’t sell it.  Chances are, they will be hearing from me shortly.

See Craig.
See Craig list
List Craig, list.

(I digress …. say … to about first grade reading …)