I Tweet Therefore I Am … Stay Tuned (Follow)

December 4th, 2008 · Tags:Coffee Shops · Gadgets · Satire

Are you on twitter?  Ha .. it is one of the best named products ever, I mean … can you believe this is the hottest thing going?  Oops … did I really say that and break ranks with the Internet cool of the moment?  (Careful, might get blacklisted …)


If you haven’t played with it … it boils down to this.  You see how many followers you can get, then you send them updates throughout the day, so they know every move you make (don’t take that too literally, if you know what I mean).  It reminds me of FaceBook updates for people with even less attention span.  (Is that possible?)

Ha … I read a really good tweet today, as the updates are called.  “That was really delicious food.”  Do you know how much better my day will be knowing that a stranger had delicious food, rather than just some good or mediocre meal?  There you have it, twitter is enlightenment.

So why the hoopla?  My take is that it is all about ego branding.  The few visionaries at the top now have an army of twitterbots following them.  When the visionary has a great idea, or gas, or whatever, he passes that along to the twitterbots, who pass it on to the next rung down on the food chain.  So, of course, the visionaries pump out 20-30 updates a day, so that more people see their “brand” more often.  In modern times, marketers call it branding.  In days of old, it was called water torture brain washing.

So, it doesn’t matter if my update is that I “just ate a silkworm” — what counts is that everyone saw my screen name (brand) again … and again …  (I guess if you eat a really big silkworm, or you eat more than anyone … you are king of the tweets.)

One last observation — “network marketers” should love this.  Twitter is the ultimate pyramid marketing, moving at warp factor six.  Instead of selling bad soap, you sell bad theology.  IF you play your cards right and say the politically correct things (repeat what everyone else in the hive is saying, avoiding original opinion) you will build your own army of followers.

Granted the designed purpose is not to make money off of your league of twitterbots, BUT, a shewd marketer starts dropping names of their sponsors.  “Ah … I see.”

Then there were the level-orange warnings that terrorists were using Twitter to orchestrate their next dose of evil.  Well duh.  Twitter, as cutesy as it is, is a communications tool.  Of course the bad guys are going to use it.  I bet they will use tin cans on a long string if it will make Americans cower.  I bet they have even tested pope on a rope and a million other weird tactics.

So, do I twitter?  You bet.  I will play the game, until a better one comes along.  Are thousands following me? Well … not yet.  But when they are, I will sell them the best soap made in America, made by Americans and used by clean Americans everywhere.

So, twitter on my brothers.  And if you care to discuss this at length, have your people twitter my people.

Know what I sayin?