Lone Star International Film Festival Is A Wrap; Tech & Wi-Fi Cameos

November 16th, 2008 · Tags:Arts · Cities

Lone Star International Film Festival, winners,staff

Lone Star International Film Festival, winners, staff

Jokingly, for the final day of the Lone Star International Film Festival, I suggested to my colleague that I would wear my new, #2,

Bishop, Caddell Packing Heat For Texas Tech

Bishop, Caddell Packing Heat For Texas Tech

Texas Tech jersey in honor of the most exciting football team in the country.  I mean, Tech graciously took a break in their schedule this week, allowing me to focus my attention on the film festival, after they whipped Texas and OSU the previous two weeks.  The least I could do was wear the colors … But that was just crazy talk.

Kirill Razlogov

Kirill Razlogov

So … I walked into the awards brunch at Fort Worth’s Worthington and guess what.  The speaker at  the awards program — Chris Caddel — was introduced and he started all representin — talking about his Texas Tech/Lubbock heritage and the Red Raiders and all that.

Well played!  Next up, Festival Director Dennis Bishop was giving a good critique of the Wi-Fi network in the Norris Conference Center (headquarters).  Hey man … Wi-Fi is my gig! Enough of football championships and wireless connectivity … let’s talk film and trophies.  For the second annual Lone Star International Film Festival, here are the big winners and parting shots:

Best Short Film: “My Mom Smokes Weed” — Clay Liford

Svetlana Solntseva, J. Mitchell Johnson

Svetlana Solntseva, J. Mitchell Johnson

Special Recognition, Short Film: “Sugar” — Alex Beh

Best Documentary: “Visual Acoustics: The Modernization of Julius Shulman” — Eric Bricker

Best Narrative: “Nirvana” — Igor Voloshin

Special Jury Award — “New Year Parade” — Tom Quinn

Bricker, Zyvaginstev, Wygant, Copeland, Liford, Diaz

Best Foreign Language — “The Banishment” — Andrei Zvyaginstev

Committment to Texas: Tom Copeland

Lifetime Achievement: Sidney Lumet

Rising Star: Melanie Diaz

Honorary Chair: Bobbie Wygant

Support your local film festival.  With bigger crowds, there will be more big stars and many more great films.

Lone Star International Film Festival gets a thumb up (along with all four fingers) — a high five … 5 pings.

Dennis Bishop