Dallas International Film Festival … The B-I-G Idea

May 9th, 2018 · Tags:Arts · Cities


Anthony Pedone

If you go to The West Village in Dallas — or “Big D” — you will see these two large, blue (probably concrete) letters that spell out “B_G” … No, it is not a tribute to a falsetto disco group.  The “I” is missing.  But you don’t have to “buy a vowel,” when you can “be a vowel.” … So there are instructions on a mat on the sidewalk, with a graphic, showing where you should put your feet, between the B and the G, inviting you to stand there and complete the word.

You don’t have to “you do you” for a second or two.  You can “be the ‘I.’”  BIG idea.

A few feet away, the creative folks at The Dallas International Film Festival have planted big red letters that spell out their hot hashtag #DIFF … however, the DIFF letters are not made of concrete.  I know.  I leaned on the not-so-tenacious “D” last night and just about knocked it to the ground.  Ha!  Yes, I did that thing where, as soon as one regains their balance, I looked around to see if anyone witnessed.  No one did … not even the diminutive gentleman who was almost man crushed on the other side of the big “D.” Ha! I almost inserted an extra “I” in the DIFF hashtag.


Around the corner from the big letters, I saw the Tesla demo automobiles, mentioned in the previous blog.  I had to get to the bottom of this. “Señor Tesla,” I called out to the promo person.  “If Tesla is cool enough to orbit the earth, do the cars also have Wi-Fi?”  Nyet. But, he said they do have cool LTE wireless technology.  Meanwhile, the specs on the Tesla site list Wi-Fi … more research required.

In other news … another great night of shooting the up-and-coming on the red carpet.

Just two days left for the festival, btw:

DIFF 2018 Schedule


Daveed Diggs

Last night, I suppose the biggest “stars” on the red carpet were Daveed Diggs and Rafael Casal.  Diggs — as most people on the planet other than me know — won a Grammy and a Tony for his role as Jefferson in “Hamilton.”  Casal starred in HBO’s “Def Poetry.”  Well I won’t give my thoughts on “Hamilton,” but Diggs became an instant favorite of mine when I watched him interact with a special-needs child (Make-A-Wish?) off to the side, beyond the red carpet activities.  Diggs and Casal co-wrote for the film “Blindspotting” — perhaps destined to be a DIFF festival favorite.


Diggs, Rafael Casal


As for the intense, ongoing PingWi-Fi one-on-one coverage … ha … I corned the man of many hats — co-writer and director, Anthony Pedone — of the film “An American In Texas.”

Pedone’s film is a coming-of-age story of a punk rock outfit in Victoria, Texas of all places. Wonder if the band hung out at Moo-Moo’s Chicken and Ventura Mexican Food … I digress …


Pedone “had me at ‘punk,’” so our conversation soon turned to The Clash.  He is a fan too, although he is about 10 years younger than me and what’s left of that band.  BUT … get this … one of his colleagues from the film played in Joe Strummer’s solo band (not The Mescaleros).  Well, “rock my casbah!”

American In Texas

Next up, Pedone said no more music films for now … but he has a really interesting unsolved, true Texas murder mystery in the works.  Can’t wait.

Know what I sayin?