Is Something Evil Afoot In The NCAA?

April 9th, 2019 · Tags:Sports

I dreamed about this. … Much more upsetting than the thought of my team losing the championship in overtime … “the how.”

I am actually considering the ugly idea that there was a fix. Nothing against Virginia — they seem like good people. But the officiating definitely did not want Texas Tech to win.

Too big of a Las Vegas payoff for the underdog to win? Too much open Christian faith witnessing by the Tech players? I just can’t imagine “the why?”

One of the cleanest, best players in the country — Jarrett Culver — was neutralized in back-to-back games in the semifinals/final — by officiating.

Three quick, blatant bad-call fouls against Culver in the Michigan State got inside his head, rendering him ineffective. (Benching him in foul trouble, temporarily.)

In the final game, the championship against Virginia, Culver was pretty much assaulted on every drive to the bucket … no calls. Was it just a message that a clean player will not be tolerated in the league?

To Culver’s credit, he fought back and drove hard to the basket for a slam dunk. Fouled and rejected at the rim … no call.

It is a bright day for Virginia basketball today and congratulations to them. But it was a dark day for NCAA basketball and/or officiating.

And don’t get me started on misfires from the Texas Tech bench … Repeatedly Brandone Francis has provided points, strong defense, steals, rebounds and even more importantly, a surge of momentum — leading the charge for Red Raider comebacks … then benched, mysteriously. (Or left in the corner, waving his hand to tell his teammates no one is guarding him, despite the three pointer he just made on the previous possession …)

I don’t care what the stat sheet or gameplan says about players’ alotted playing minutes in the game plan.  A coach must recognize momentum and the rhythm of his players … and do nothing to disrupt those key factors.

Despite otherwise stellar coaching and great achievements throughout the season … This underutilization of a strong leader has been a mystery to me.

Lastly, with one second remaining on the clock, and due to a time out by the Cavaliers, Texas Tech coaches has two chances to draw up or call a play for the last shot.  We had nothing!  That’s it!?!  Pretty anti-climactic after a season of coaching laurels.


But bottom line … great season Texas Tech Red Raiders.


Know what I sayin?