Bad Things Happen To Good Pings

May 6th, 2018 · Tags:Politics

A friend of mine responded with kind words to a post about The PingWi-Fi motorcycle crash, as seen on Facebook.  My friend’s family had experienced the horrific loss of their precious daughter at the hands of a drunk driver …years ago.  But I am sure it doesn’t hurt any less today …

I want to share part of the dialogue between friends, because  I just streamed my church’s services and today’s sermon recalled part of this … one of the points I tired to make.  Today’s sermon was “Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People” …


From Facebook:

“Connie: Thanks so much for your kind words and for sharing a part of your family’s tragic story. People need to hear stories like that to learn. Also, I want you to know that you guys were in my thoughts shortly after my accident … for a couple of reasons. 1) I thought of “Kev” and his new motorcycle, and my setting a poor example. I know he will still have the most fun on his bike … But, if hearing about my accident makes Kevin more safety conscious on his beautiful new Harley, then it was worth it. 2) In the blog I mentioned retrieving one of my possessions from the roadway, after the wreck. But what I didn’t say was that I had to limp over about 20 yards the opposite direction, in a different intersection to pick up my shoe. As I picked up my should, I immediately thought of you guys and the shoe being such a powerful icon used in the retelling of the terrible car accident that took your beautiful daughter’s life.



I will never forget what a sad, sad day it was when randomly, a TV commercial first told me the story of you and Kevin losing your daughter. Since then I have grieved for you, mourned with you, and prayed for you, but also rejoiced in knowing that you will all be together again someday.

Connie, I truly believe that everything that happens is God’s will — good things and even the horrendous things that happen, for reasons we may never understand. If we think about it, the most horrible thing that ever happened in this lost world was pre-ordained by and carried out against our Savior — all for the good of us … the undeserving.

When people tell me that they don’t believe good comes from bad, that miracle comes to mind. (Don’t get me wrong, I know you and Kevin know/believe this as strongly as anyone.) Good things make us appreciate how wonderful this world can be. Bad things have so many ripples we may never see. And bad things turn our focus to our God and to eternity — when life will be perfected for believers. I digress …

Could my accident have been a message or a wake up call? Probably. Has it changed my thinking? Most definitely. But as I was saying, if it makes Kev tighten up that helmet just a little more — then excellent. If some new father reads about it and decides to sell his moped … then awesome. For me … I will probably get out of city limits more. I can’t put into words that the act of riding a motorcycle and communing with nature in a special way, makes me feel closer to our Lord … weird, huh?

The point … of course, that life is short, regardless.

We could be randomly sucked from an airplane …

… thrown from a horse …

… hit by a car …

… fly off a motorcycle …

When it is our time, it is our time.

We should all be ready in our hearts.

Another friend said “Yes, God determines our fate to a degree, but don’t tempt fate.” Well … I agree to an extent, but that is like saying don’t leave your house … don’t swim … don’t try a new food … don’t go to the zoo … don’t talk to new people … don’t go to new places …

Ha … knowing me, I will probably accidentally cut myself with a can opener while prying open a can of green beans on some wilderness trip … and go out like that:) Who knows!?!


The most significant thing about the accident has been the effect on my heart. My heart has been warmed by so many friends who have reached out … but my heart hurts that there are people in this world who just don’t care enough about others to be more watchful.”


Know what I sayin?