Entries from May 2018

The Mother Road

May 28th, 2018 · Tags: Uncategorized

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Just This, Then Moratorium On Windmills … Already

May 24th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Coffee Shops

  I had said I would try no more windmill video tricks.  I lied.  Maybe I need a windmill support group.  After all those years of making cracks about black-velvet paintings of windmills … I tried to get out and they sucked me back in.    

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Little Movie Set That Could

May 23rd, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities

This has kind of a down-home feel about it.  A Folk Art video take on what has become a nice museum. 

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Grazes With Cadillacs

May 20th, 2018 · Tags: Arts

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Folk Art, Windmills Still …

May 19th, 2018 · Tags: Arts

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The Answer My Friend Is Blowing In The Wind

May 13th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Coffee Shops · Music

  In Jim Stafford’s old novelty tune, “The Wildwood Weed,” the storyteller speaks of finding his brother Bill “naked, singing on the windmill,”  after a night of home-grown revelry.  (Ha … When my brother was a young boy, he once tried to fly off the windmill wearing a cape, but I think he was fully […]

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Dallas International Film Festival … The B-I-G Idea

May 9th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities

  If you go to The West Village in Dallas — or “Big D” — you will see these two large, blue (probably concrete) letters that spell out “B_G” … No, it is not a tribute to a falsetto disco group.  The “I” is missing.  But you don’t have to “buy a vowel,” when you […]

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GunsUp But Shooting Nikon At Dallas International Film Fest

May 8th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

  It’s time for the annual pilgrimage to Big D for the DIFF, The Dallas International Film Festival … does that make me a film pilgrim?  I digress, (with assonance, I might add) … It’s great fun … and sometimes I actually get to see a film or two, but a lot of the time […]

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Bad Things Happen To Good Pings

May 6th, 2018 · Tags: Politics

A friend of mine responded with kind words to a post about The PingWi-Fi motorcycle crash, as seen on Facebook.  My friend’s family had experienced the horrific loss of their precious daughter at the hands of a drunk driver …years ago.  But I am sure it doesn’t hurt any less today … I want to […]

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