Entries from April 2014

Somewhat Social Media, ‘Underground Journalism’ At Mizzou

April 28th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

    Man I hope that some day, I get money for being crazy … just like Gary Busey in that Amazon commercial where he talks to his devices. Until then, I just be all crazy for no good reason … other than just trying to stay entertained on The Dirty Gig.   This week […]

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“Road To Austin” — Maybe Not Your Kinda Trip

April 6th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities

    I’ve always thought there are, for the most part, two types of concert films. There is that film from a once-in-a-lifetime moment in music history — the kind that influences you to bite a hole in the side of your cheek, as you watch, regretting so desperately that you were not there. Then […]

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DIFF2014 – Take Two … Not A Bad Night At All

April 5th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities

  I love a good t-shirt. And I love a good spoof. Hard to say which I heart more. But when the two come together, oh happy day. So, on the photo gauntlet red carpet for The 2014 Dallas International Film Festival, I spotted this t-shirt. Soon I learned the hipster donning such was none […]

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Dallas Kicks Off DIFF14 … Red Carpet With 50-1 Underdog!

April 4th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities

  Lights. Camera. AK-SHONE! It is one of our favorite seasons, kicking off The 2014 Dallas International Film Festival, despite northern parts of the Metroplex getting pounded by strong winds and hail. The Dallas evening was picture perfect.   Wow! Dallas has changed so much since we began covering this annual event. The opening night […]

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Sick Shootings: Pinging An Alternative To Violence

April 2nd, 2014 · Tags: Cities · Sports · Wi-Fi

    It’s happened again. The unthinkable — a shooting rampage at Fort Hood in Texas.   Undeniably, senseless violence is happening more and more and more … whether it is Islamic extremists, bullied teens, shell-shocked servicemen. Unfortunately, it is going to continue.   What do we do? What do we do?  

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