Just How High Can Wi-Fi Fly?

November 7th, 2013 · Tags:Airports · Wi-Fi

Ha.  It’s about time.  Inflight Wi-Fi is all over the news and it is the subject of more and more airline ads.  Glad they finally got on board, wholeheartedly.  We’ve been evangelizing since, what, 2003?  Regardless, good times!  Nothing better than getting some work done on the computer at 30,000 feet and doing the important things – updating status, liking your friend’s breakfast photo, and tweeting to the unreading masses.


If you have not been keeping up, here’s a good piece from the Aussie press:

Business Insider


But beware, it is said that with fewer restrictions and improved quality of Wi-Fi on the airline of your choice, surely more advertising is on its way.  Can you say “captive audience?”


So … we celebrate the maturation of inflight Wi-Fi and we look back on some high fallutin, Wi-Fi tootin our own horn blogs here:


Wi-Fly Blogs


You are free to blog around the cabin.


Know what I sayin?