Entries from October 2013

Ping > Holed Up In Big Sky Without Wi-Fi

October 26th, 2013 · Tags: Uncategorized

  “I totally lucked into this deal … staying in a new barn/house on 1700 acres butted up against a national forest in Montana … in The Big Hole area. The only thing between this place and the mountains is a few hundred head of Angus. I rode a four-wheeler all morning, right up to […]

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Coffee Breaking, Bad Ass IS Open For Wi-Fi

October 25th, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

I’ve had my good eye on Bad Ass Coffee and another shop since I arrived in Dillon a couple of months back.  At first glance, I thought B@ had closed down, because it is not the only business in a small office building.  And, it is not the business you see from the main street […]

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Hellgate Trading Post AKA Missoula – Gets W in Wi-Fi Column

October 22nd, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

There is something about a college town. There’s the Saturday football craziness, there is the cultural awareness and the arts … and there is an appreciation for whatever is trending. For me, it’s Wi-Fi that is trending, so when I headed to Missoula, Mont. — home of uMont, The University of Montana I expected plenty. […]

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Efficiency Means Tough Decisions For Quirky Traveler

October 15th, 2013 · Tags: Hotels

Travel is a funny thing. So many variables. Then, if you get other people involved in arranging your schedule, your priorities, your budget … man, what a mess it can be.   As I galavant around — from time to time — I have a rare opportunity to go home and take a break before […]

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Pause For The Cause – A Little Over The Top & Off The Sides

October 9th, 2013 · Tags: Cities

      Well … I had already committed to donate hair to Locks of Love before I did some Google research.  It seems there are a few questions regarding the organization and its providing hairpieces to children with cancer and other ailments.  Oh well … I remain optimistic and hope my hair finds a […]

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