Entries from August 2013

Pair O’ Eyeglasses Lost At Dirty Gig – Blog About Nothing

August 24th, 2013 · Tags: Satire

  Dumpster diving … ever do it?

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PingWi-Fi Visits ‘Our Lady’ … Ain’t She A Butte?

August 18th, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

      After a brief return to Fort Worth and Amarillo, fate finds me back in The Big Sky Country of Montana. Ha … after one day back on the job at The Dirty Gig, I had a day off. So, yes I hit the road. Today i drove to Missoula, but passed Butte […]

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Saving Best For Last? Maybe … Montana, 48 States — Pinged!

August 12th, 2013 · Tags: Wi-Fi

  It’s official. As a travel blogger, I’ve toured all of the 48 contiguous states, and of course shot “selfies” on many a mountaintop, saving one of the best states for last. The Big Sky of Montana!  Montana … so important in the journey of those original travel bloggers — Lewis and Clark … Their […]

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