Entries from January 2013

Mind Out Of The Gutter, Mr. Wi-Fi Snipes Triple Hex

January 27th, 2013 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

      For years I have received cool promo pieces from a certain PR group that specializes in promoting rock bands.  I think we first hooked up on some SXSW music event in Austin.  Anywho, for the most part, they send me notes on concerts that are out of my reach.  But, recently, I […]

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Workers In The Hood, Boyz On The Diamond Share This Secret

January 22nd, 2013 · Tags: Arts · Satire · Sports

The latest installment of The Dirty Gig led me to New York to work in the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy (SSS) … Have you noticed that post-disaster is almost the only time we use the word “aftermath” anymore. “Why … I can still remember when I was a boy and ‘Aftermath’ was a Rolling […]

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To The Beat Of Different Drummer, OSU Marches Over Purdue

January 2nd, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Sports

  Sometime around the third quarter of the Heart of Dallas Bowl, we tweeted this line, asking readers to complete the sentence: “Oklahoma State is beating Purdue like a ……….”   The Pingtweet offered a visual clue. We coupled the tweet with a photograph of “The Worlds’s Largest Drum,” the gigantic bass drum that travels […]

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