Entries from July 2012

Wilco Makes The PingWi-Fi To Do List – Americana @WolfTrap

July 14th, 2012 · Tags: Arts · Cities

Across the border from The District, I was out in Maryland today when I struck up a conversation with the assistant manager of an 84 Lumber location.  To my surprise, he did not know of one of the best bands in the last 20 years — perhaps THE biggest name in Americana music — Wilco. […]

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PingWi-Fi Gets Social With My Modern Metropolis Site

July 4th, 2012 · Tags: Arts

Yet another cool social networking site … Have you checked out My Modern Metropolis? (See link below.)  There are lots of fantastic artists there.  Ha … but, we put our stuff up anyway.  Here’s our first slide show on M3 from the travels of PingWi-Fi … Texas to Thailand … Find more photos like this […]

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Wag & Wi-Fido: Dog Blog & Man’s Best Friend – Helmet

July 2nd, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Wi-Fi

I was in a funk the other day, so I decided to get out and do something different. Otherwise … I might not have gone. Ha … that thought has been replaying in my mind. The event itself was fantastic. For months I have been reading about the coming of a new dog boutique and […]

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