Entries from May 2012

Expose’ — The Secret Gig Of A Wi-Fi Mercenary

May 23rd, 2012 · Tags: Satire

Always on the go, sometimes it feels like a vacation when I get to sleep in my own bed … or when I blog on my own Wi-Fi hotspot and have coffee on the balcony under the pecan tree … or fire up the barbecue grill overlooking the two other residences in my little compound. […]

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Who Put The ÜT In Texas? — SquareRüt Kava Bar

May 15th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops

In the immortal words of Chevy Chase, “Toy boat, toy boat, toy boat” (recited whenever he got tongue tied …) Anywho … Here is a little Internet chatter about one of our favorite places in Austin — SquareRüt Kava Bar on South Congress — the very first kava bar in Texas. SRüt (note the funky […]

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Fallen Women, Wi-Fi, No Smokes, Opera & One Wet Motorbike

May 12th, 2012 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

Do you remember that software app. a few years ago that would allow the user to “deface” the homepage of Websites?  What was it called? … can’t find it on Google … The only people who could see the damage were the ones who had the software app.  So, I don’t think it actually damaged […]

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Santa Fe Magnetic Field, Mountain Medicine Affect Wi-Fi?

May 9th, 2012 · Tags: Uncategorized

… Sitting in “the evil” Starbucks in Santa Fe … It seems to be doing great business.  The line is almost out the door … So the people who shun the green giant — only supporting local shops — must be losing the war. (I support them all, if they have Wi-Fi.) This Starbucks got […]

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Wi-Fi Will Have To Wait At Love’s; We’re Reminiscing

May 7th, 2012 · Tags: Satire · Sports · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

It is difficult to return to one’s old stomping grounds without thinking of the old days.  There are reminders everywhere … the school, the cafe where high school kids congregated, the football field on the first street off the highway.  I remember all so well. Black and gold streamers, hanging from the goal posts,  blowing […]

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Motorcycles Are Like Wi-Fi & Music – So Conversational

May 4th, 2012 · Tags: Arts · Cities

Well this is fun. Something cool came from something crappy. My motorcycle helmet was stolen from my bike — one day after I gushed over my new bike in the blog. I was livid. The nerve … and to steal it at my home away from home — Starbucks, duh. Thank goodness the guy who […]

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Wi-Fi & Wieners: Winning Combo For PingWi-Fi ‘Phase 2’

May 2nd, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Restaurant · Sports · Wi-Fi

Before this blog, we compiled another road trip site called The Wi-Fi Guy, and as with any successful endeavor, there were discussions on how to keep the momentum … how to keep the content fresh … how to remain relevant and so on. Among the more interesting was an idea proposed by a woman who […]

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