Entries from March 2012

Long Train Runnin … Long Blog Postin, Thai-Fi Shortage

March 18th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Satire

There is still much to tell oft the Wi-Fi adventures in Thailand and so little time. This particular blog post is somewhat of a slow train coming … having struggled with writer’s blog and a busy schedule for weeks. When last we talked, the PingWi-Fi entourage was holed up in paradise. And against the advice […]

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Naka Island Wi-Fi — PingWi-Fi Team Bangs The Gong

March 7th, 2012 · Tags: Hotels · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

After the grandeur of Krabi Beach and Phulay Bay, well, shall we say it was good to have a little palate cleanser. So in that regard, our night of roughing it at Summer Hotel in Phuket Town was exactly what we needed … as we prepared for what would prove to be a highlight of […]

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Wi-Fi Hotspot Interruptus at 40,000 Feet, With Gogo

March 1st, 2012 · Tags: Airports · Satire · Wi-Fi

Ebola Alert … I was sitting, “comfortably” crammed into a seat way too small for a human on an American Airlines flight, enjoying the sweet Gogo inflight Wi-Fi service when a gentleman came rushing down the aisle to the back of the plane … covering his mouth … and stopped to throw up at my […]

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