The Ultimate Thai Wi-Fi? Blogging By The Sea — Phulay Bay

January 26th, 2012 · Tags:Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

Just a quick note, with more thoughts on Thai Wi-Fi yet to come. My buddy Steve and I sampled the Sheraton Krabi Beach Resort, last night, and this afternoon we have found ourselves in paradise.

Do you remember the wedding scene and the beautiful scenery from the movie “The Hangover Part 2?”  We are at that very resort, sitting under the thatched roof of a bamboo luxury bar, overlooking the sea … as jet boats, Thai taxi boats and private yachts come and go.

No doubt, this is as tranquil and scenic a locale as I have every seen. We could grow accustomed … And yes, this little seaside bar is quite luxurious and has extraordinaire Wi-Fi. The network popped up immediately and there is no password or anything required. Ha … I am pretty sure all of that is taken care of in the price for a little getaway at The Ritz-Carlton Phulay Bay. (Blogging from the Phulay Bay hotspot now, as a matter of fact …)

Phulay Bay

Did I say “Oh my!”? Ha … can I get an “Amen!”?

The people here have given us the run of the place for the most part … a guided tour in golf carts … a lemon/ginger iced drink here and there … lotus water hand towels to wipe our brow … and a 180-degree view of emerald water of Andaman Sea.

We are debating now on whether we cool off in the sea or the world class swimming pool. Tough decision … I mean both have a bar right up to the water’s edge … and a great wireless signal.

Some might merely call this a 5-Star Resort … we say 7 pings … and that is an understatement!  Excellent Wi-Fi coupled with one of the best views on the planet … beautiful people … and a couple of Texans who stumbled upon paradise.

For what more could we ask?  Perhaps a week?

Know what I sayin?