Entries from January 2012

The Ultimate Thai Wi-Fi? Blogging By The Sea — Phulay Bay

January 26th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

Just a quick note, with more thoughts on Thai Wi-Fi yet to come. My buddy Steve and I sampled the Sheraton Krabi Beach Resort, last night, and this afternoon we have found ourselves in paradise.

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Thai Train Kept-A-Rollin … No Wi-Fi, No Bridge In Sight

January 22nd, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Satire

Since my arrival in Thailand, friends have been offering up suggested “soundtracks” for the visit. The most frequent, probably pretty obvious, “One Night In Bangkok.” But one friend dug a little deeper, back to the days of vinyl and mentioned “A Passage To Bangkok” by Canadian power trio Rush. I concur. Briefly, I quote Rush, […]

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Wi-Fi Heeds Warnings: Thailand Is Hotspot For No Good Today

January 13th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Wi-Fi

On New Year’s Eve in Bangkok, my buddies and I felt a little more secure when we saw a huge police presence throughout the city, particularly in the downtown area, where — with a cast of hundreds of thousands — we would ring in 2012. Ha! We now know that there were terrorist rumblings about […]

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Thai Ping Blogger Aks ‘What Kickin, Chickens?’ At Dirty Gig

January 11th, 2012 · Tags: Sports

My first two weeks in Thailand were NAS-TAY … No, not like The Hangover Part 2, nasty … like filthy, muddy, oily, wildlife killing kind of sludge nasty. That, as you may know from previous blogs, is why I call that part of my career — The Dirty Gig. In the first Thailand installment of […]

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1 Banana, 2 Banana … How Much Luv For Wi-Fi? Let Me Count The Ways …

January 6th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Satire · Wi-Fi

IF you know me or read the PingWi-Fi blog, you know “we luvs us some boba tea.”  Hmmm … it is pretty scarce here in Thailand … even more scarce than Wi-Fi. I finally found some boba vendors — in this case, maybe boba-teers — in Ayutthaya on the sidewalk, in the outdoor market the […]

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Happy 2012! PingWi-Fi Fights The Flow

January 5th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Wi-Fi

New Year’s Eve has never been a big deal for me, even back in the day when I was more fun. Ha … one year I decided to play it safe, and sat around a table with friends playing a board game. Then, all of the sudden, some guy kicked the door in at the […]

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