Entries from November 2011

Stooping Low, Referencing Honey Badger; Other Turkeys

November 29th, 2011 · Tags: Satire

The days between the Thanksgiving football blowout and Christmas seem more blase every year. It’s also the time when I have had enough … left over turkey that is. Obviously there is a correlation between lethargy and overindulgence … I digress … You know what really bothers me? Some folks think leftover turkey sandwiches are […]

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PingWi-Fi Challenged With Success In New Dirty Gig Role

November 25th, 2011 · Tags: Satire · Uncategorized

The Dirty Gig is about to get a little less dirty. You may or may not know that this travel blog is funded by a second job in disaster recovery, affectionately referred to as the Dirty Gig. Accordingly, in this blog there have been detailed exploits involving 3 a.m. toilet disasters … flooded hospital basements […]

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Happy Thanksgiving To The PingWi-Fi Nation!

November 24th, 2011 · Tags: Cities

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National Baseball Hall of Fame Pitches Perfect Wi-Fi Game

November 14th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Sports · Wi-Fi

When I was a kid in tiny dustville, most of us small-town kids played all the major sports. But baseball was special … baseball was our very first taste of competition, with uniforms and everything. Our dads got together and created a league of four teams from three towns. Four teams. And to do that, […]

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S’more Blogging: PingWF Gets All Cosi With Wi-Fi In Philly

November 13th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

So imagine you walk into a cafe to enjoy a fine meal and you look over and the guy beside you has a ponytail and he is playing with fire at his table. What will you do? What will you do?

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PingWi-Fi Cracks Down On Occupy. “Get An Occupation!”

November 6th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

Walking around lower Manhattan reminded me of my first few trips to NYC. Over the years, I have had big times in NYC. I met Spike Lee. One night my friend was stabbed on a subway. I met Dr. Ruth. One day my hotel was set afire by a pyromaniac. I met Dan Rather in […]

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