Wow … Do you remember where you were when you learned Steve Jobs had died? I was a few hours behind the curve and heard it from my boss Chris from The Dirty Gig. It was the day I was headed from Harrisburg to Philly to Binghampton, NY via US Airways.
Here is what I will remember. As I boarded with my carry on loaded with an iPad (which I am using to type this blog in midair), an iPod, an iPhone and an Apple MacBook Pro … I noticed the ramp didn’t go all the way to the plane … And the plan had no jet engines.
What!?! A prop plane in 2011? Comparing my Apples to this ancient plane is quite a contrast in technology. (Guess i should’ve ridden the orange airline …) Here I am carrying – hell typing on — a touchscreen that was the best technology Star Trek could fantasize just a few years earlier. Thanks Steve Jobs. On the other end of the spectrum, I am traveling via the same propellor technology The Wright Brothers used over 100 years ago!
Pity that Mr. Jobs didn’t take over and innovate this airline.
I never met him. I never tried. Always respected him. Owned just about every product he ever sold, that is, the ones with the Apple logo. Wonder what a NEXT computer is worth today?
Only once did I ever have a bone to pick with him or his company. Like Charlie Brown trick or treating, it was the day “I Got A Rock”:
Did I even ask if the plane had Wi-Fi?
Well, I glanced down and saw the armrest of this vintage ANJ (airplane not jet) has a built-in ashtray. I will take that as a “no.”
As I travel, dressed head-to-toe in black, this sad day as we lament the loss of Steve Jobs — Mr. Jobs and his baby, Apple get 7 pings.
US Airways? Not so much. 2 pings awarded however, because we made it.
Know what I sayin?