It’s Triple Double In Der Big D — DirkDay Wishes!

June 19th, 2011 · Tags:Cities · Satire · Sports

Der Dirk is 33 and MVP!

It truly is a wonderful day.  You probably know it is Juneteenth in Texas.  And across the States, dating back to 1910 in Seattle, we celebrate Father’s Day today.  Happy Father’s Day, by the way!  My day started with best wishes from a young German student over in The Fatherland.  If you read this blog, he was referred to earlier as my fellow “German from another Herman.”  But his name is Clemens.  What a great guy!  You may also remember Clemens taught me the German phrase “schlampen.”

Schlampen is, shall we say, not a flattering term nor a term of endearment.  I will demonstrate in a sentence: “Dirk Nowitzki made The Miami Heat his little ‘schlampen.'”  You get it now, right.

I digress …

Clemens had two things he wanted to discuss.  First of all, he and I met in New Zealand and I asked him if he was named after Bruce Sprinsteen’s saxophone player — Clarence Clemons.  He wasn’t … but we agreed that I could just go on thinking that he was because it made a cool story.  Well … that is one of the things Clemens wanted to discuss … He was sad over the recent passing of Mr. Clemons, one of the best sax players in the world.

AND … my German brother wanted to rave about the most famous German on the planet right now — yes — Der Doctor of Dunken … Dirk Nowitski.

What a great time for Dallas, for all of North Texas, and yes for our friends across the sea.

Let’s do something special …

On Twitter and on this page, we at PingWi-Fi celebrate and have special days in honor of famous people … any time it suits our fancy.  Typically, it is to commemorate the birthday of some aging rocker.

But today, my friend, we celebrate a different rock star.  Today, on Father’s Day, we  celebrate the birthday of a rock star from The Fatherland.  Here in Der Big D, everyone knows his name.  Like a few rock stars, he is now known all over the world by one name — DIRK!

And, as they say in basketball circles, it is a triple double for that big ol’ German — 33 — and on top of the world.  Who — I ask you — has not seen a clip of Dirk leading his teammates in what has to be the funniest version of “We Are The Champions”?  Somewhere, I am sure Freddie Mercury is smiling.

Happy Father’s Day.  Happy Juneteenth and Happy DirkDay from!

Know what I sayin?