Entries from June 2011

Swimming Is Winning – Fort Lauderdale Hall of Fame Has Wi-Fi

June 30th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Sports · Wi-Fi

I love life’s little coincidences. For instance, I didn’t even know that there was an International Swimming Hall of Fame until I saw a sign near downtown Fort Lauderdale printed with “International Swimming Hall of Fame 3 miles.” Did I mention the PingWi-Fi entourage jumped from The Dallas Mavericks World Championship celebration to South Florida […]

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It’s Triple Double In Der Big D — DirkDay Wishes!

June 19th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Sports

It truly is a wonderful day.  You probably know it is Juneteenth in Texas.  And across the States, dating back to 1910 in Seattle, we celebrate Father’s Day today.  Happy Father’s Day, by the way!  My day started with best wishes from a young German student over in The Fatherland.  If you read this blog, […]

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Different Set Of Xs & Os = Success For Dallas Mavs Blowout

June 17th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Sports · Wi-Fi

Congrats to The Dallas Mavericks and to The Cuban, Mark Cuban.  What a fun ride!  Let’s do it again next year but, hey, leave the singing to Queen, okay? No one was more shocked than I at how excellent the crowd in Dallas behaved yesterday.  Hundreds of thousands of people came together in a miserably […]

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Supernatural Bench Play Among Fans Ensures Mavs Win

June 10th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Sports

What was it one of my old coaches used to say? Oh yes, “I ain’t superstitious. I’m just not taking any chances.” So each week on gameday we were all required to repeat various random things from the previous week, provided our team had won. One year, I accidentally wore the other team’s colors on […]

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Wi-Fi Guy & The Wizard: No Haka For You My Friend; Social Media Type Speaks Out In Aoterroa

June 6th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Sports · Wi-Fi

I had a good chat with a travel writer on Facebook the other day, and she commented that I must meet some interesting people. Well yes I do … but I should point out that she covers all of the backroads of The Texas Plains Trail … I bet she has some keepers too. Anywho […]

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Auss-pitality: Duty-Free Bailey’s & A Free Shot Of Wi-Fi

June 1st, 2011 · Tags: Airports · Cities · Wi-Fi

Ah Sydney … As much as I love New Zealand, it seems the Aussies may have a leg up when it comes to Wi-Fi. Not only did the Australians greet us at the gate with duty-free, free shots of delicious Bailey’s cream (if you are into that sort of thing), there were about a half […]

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