Entries from May 2011

Qantas Lands Perfect Score Without Wi-Fi? Coincidence?

May 31st, 2011 · Tags: Airports · Arts · Wi-Fi

Now this is weird. First, let me say that I like little strange coincidences, that I am often accused of near superstition. Here’s a great example. The other day I blogged about nothing … and it turned into a long drawn out tale, culminating with namedropping “Gulliver’s Travels.” Ha! A few days later, I boarded […]

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Happy Memorial Day! Thanks To All & The Few!

May 29th, 2011 · Tags: Politics

So few, give up so much, for so many.  Here’s to the heroes who fought to build and continue to fight to secure this country … this great, free way of life!  Have a great Memorial Day Weekend.  And here is to my nephew, who recently became a United States Marine!  Semper Fi!

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PingWi-Fi Travel Writer Searches For Hotspots, Uncovers New Zealand Family History, Treaures At Pavilion

May 27th, 2011 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

I won’t lie, in college there were a few days when i walked out of my dorm room, apartment, house, whatever and had no clue about the whereabouts of my car. Those days are gone. These days, as I mature, it is more like I notice any strange vehicles parked near the place where I […]

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If A Sheep Gnat Flies To The Front Seat Of A Car Doing 120, What’s The First Thing In It’s Mind, If It Hits The Window?

May 25th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Satire

I don’t know if I will ever get this metric system here in New Zealand. I mean some things are pretty easy, like a 13mm wrench is darn near a half-inch wrench as we use in the U.S. Of course we use metric wrenches too … But it is the whole kilometers per hour thing […]

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PingWi-Fi Chills – New Zealand Hotspots, Hot Springs

May 24th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

After additional research, it has come to my attention that I may have heaped undeserved praise on a New Zealand coffee shop in a recent blog, or even worse, judged some of the competition unfairly. Muh bad!

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Ping Fights Monotony In ‘Dirty Gig’ As Duties Lull

May 19th, 2011 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Satire

This blog has detailed some pretty uncomfortable situations and nasty assignments in the ongoing stories about “The Dirty Gig” — my side job in the disaster recovery industry. Today was different. But first yesterday … It was somewhat like a throwback to my roots. I was operating a fairly large piece of equipment, called a […]

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Pinging Christchurch — Kiwi Wi-Fi Beyond City Centre

May 17th, 2011 · Tags: Uncategorized

It’s been said when you’re #2 you try harder. Perhaps the rest of that thought is that if you are #1, you do whatever you darn well please. That’s the way it seems at my new favorite coffee shop — Addington Coffee Co-op in Christchurch on Lincoln. It seems like they are only open when […]

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Dirty Gig Is Cultural Affair, Mixing Hermans & Germans

May 12th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Satire

So about this new Dirty Gig … As mentioned previously, this is the second assignment in New Zealand in the aftermath of yet another earthquake. My colleagues and I are working in a secure storage facility that pretty much had its salad tossed. It is a pretty good gig … getting paid for a hard […]

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NZ Quake II Features PingWi-Fi In Recurring Dirty Gig Role

May 11th, 2011 · Tags: Airports · Cities · Wi-Fi

What can one say about 18 hours in a plane? I mean, it is pretty cool crossing the International Dateline and skipping a day. But that long in any confined space is cruel and unusual … Thank goodness I knew what to expect when I stepped on board my first connection on the way back […]

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Ping Underwhelmed In Seattle Underworld

May 9th, 2011 · Tags: Cities

Ha … I am in New Zealand, yet I have just now found time to jot down thoughts on my previous journey to Seattle. I’ll be brief. Many of you know this travel blog is funded in part by my “Dirty Gigs” — disaster recovery jobs I do on the side. As I have said […]

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