Entries from November 2010

Wi-Fi & Photography … No ‘One-Trick Pony’ This PingWi-Fi

November 28th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

What did they call yesterday? Wasn’t it “Small Business Saturday” or something like that, a round two of shopping — wedged in between Black Friday and Cyber Monday? By the way, I for one hate the term “Black Friday” when associated with the official retail beginning of the Christmas Holidays. I mean … the term […]

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The REAL #88 To Make Reception For 2010 Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl

November 26th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Sports

This just in from our friends at the Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl, which will be played this season in Dallas … FORT WORTH – Dallas Cowboys great Drew Pearson will be the honored keynote speaker at the 2010 Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl Team Kickoff Luncheon, presented by Armed Forces Insurance and the Omni […]

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Hot Wi-Fi On Cold Turkey Day — Happy Thanksgiving From PingWi-Fi

November 25th, 2010 · Tags: Wi-Fi

Every year for the Thanksgiving turkey, I fire up the smoker out on the balcony, well within the reach of the Wi-Fi hotspot here at the international headquarters of PingWi-Fi.com. This year is no different, except that a cold front moved in around 6 a.m., plunging temperatures down from the 80s in Fort Worth yesterday […]

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Final Thoughts On ‘Down In New Zealand” — Wi-Fi Wrap Up

November 5th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

In this the final installment of the Down In New Zealand series, I must start by getting several things off my chest. First of all, New Zealand, you should seek new PR/marketing counsel! There are so many wonderful things and places — at least on the South Island where I toured — that I think […]

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