PingStream … A PingThing, Tweeting From Omni, Fort Worth

September 4th, 2010 · Tags:Cities · Hotels · Satire

Today the PingWi-Fi gypsy caravan is hosting a PingThing … tweeting, blogging, streaming, updating from The Omni Fort Worth … high atop a balcony suite in one of the best addresses in Downtown Fort Worth.  Rock on!

Your thoughts?  Hit “Ping Us” on this Web site, or follow us on Twitter: @pingwifi … Roger that? Of course, we’re on Facebook too.  It’s a social thing.  If you can’t come by, message us and you might be rewarded for it (t-shirts, Boingo luggage tags, etc.).


Ha … This PingThing is like so experimental.  Freestyle … freeform … it is what it is.  Anywho!

Know what i sayin?