Entries from September 2010

Ping Takes Rock ‘N’ Roll Mojo To Frozen Gig

September 30th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Satire

It wouldn’t be prudent to discuss all the details of my Dirty Gig in New Zealand … suffice to say we were in Christchurch to do clean up after the recent earthquake — a 7.1 on the Richter scale, at 4:30 a.m., Sept. 4 . The company and the client will remain nameless. What I […]

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Hotel Wi-Fi Gets Decent Mark, With Boingo Assist

September 29th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

So how ’bout this hotel, The Marque? Well, it wasn’t until my third or fourth night in my room that I noticed the earthquake damage in the room, up along the wall in the corner and above the artwork near the desk. Had that been there before? I don’t know … perhaps not. Because, almost […]

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On Top Of My Game In New Zealand Wi-Fi Search

September 28th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Wi-Fi

After surviving the torturous flight and the airport interrogation, we threw our bags into a Kiwi version of a Toyota — yes with the steering wheel on the right side of the car — and headed into Christchurch. Cool little city — “The Garden City” as it is known. We saw some signs of earthquake […]

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Soiled Reputation: New Zealand Frowns On ‘Dirty Gig’ Boots

September 27th, 2010 · Tags: Airports · Cities · Wi-Fi

It seemed like a natural that my second blog, PingWi-Fi.com, would take on a corporate sponsor. My first blog garnered $2 million in publicity for the sponsor (in three months). But … this time, the corporate sponsorship didn’t happen. So, to keep this PingThing going, I had to find a way to “moonlight.” What job […]

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San Angelo Journalism & West Texas Wi-Fi: Not Too Baaa-ad

September 23rd, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

In my formative years, my best friend’s dad owned a community newspaper — The Enterprise. Another friend owns that very publication today. Leon, the editor then, not only wrote the most biting pieces in the paper, he also snapped photos of the football team and the track girls, in between selling advertisements and subscription renewals […]

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Highrise Wi-Fi: PingWi-Fi PingThing From Omnipresent Hotspot

September 6th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Hotels

Typically when I review a Wi-Fi hotspot, it is a solo act … I mean, it would have been quite difficult to take the PingWi-Fi gypsy caravan entourage on the PWF tour, which now includes 47 states, 65 cities, 30,000 miles, hundreds of Wi-Fi hotspots and several cups of coffee. So … my one goal […]

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PingStream … A PingThing, Tweeting From Omni, Fort Worth

September 4th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Satire

Today the PingWi-Fi gypsy caravan is hosting a PingThing … tweeting, blogging, streaming, updating from The Omni Fort Worth … high atop a balcony suite in one of the best addresses in Downtown Fort Worth.  Rock on! Your thoughts?  Hit “Ping Us” on this Web site, or follow us on Twitter: @pingwifi … Roger that? […]

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