Entries from August 2010

‘Garage Girlz’: Coming To A Station Near You

August 29th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Sports

What are the odds that a kid growing up near Route 66 — “The Mother Road” — would fall in love with the automobile? I’d put money on that. But what about the chances of a guy from Albuquerque becoming a television network newsman? … Still within the realm of possibility. Now, how about the […]

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Wi-Fi Enchantment — Pinging Taos Pueblo And Its Peeps

August 19th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

“Are you an Indian?” Let me start by saying I have the greatest respect for Native American peoples — both for their enduring the invasion of their homeland, and for their ability to take dusty reservation land and turn it into ski resorts, billion-dollar casinos, oil/gas well bonanzas, art and more … I get all […]

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Ping Asks: Who Don’t Like Some Boba, Wi-Fi & TV?

August 13th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

As we continue to ping Wi-Fi locations on this ongoing tour, it is tough to decide which is best — the consistency of corporate chains or the charm of the mom/pop shops. (Note: moms get top billing. Who said chivalry is dead?) Anyway … corporate consistency is nice in its own right … I don’t […]

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My Old-School Thongs Took A Lickin Cuz I Was Trippin … Ping Me If This Has Happened To You

August 9th, 2010 · Tags: Satire

We’ve all heard a motivational spiel about “bad things happening to good people” … and “all things working for the good” … I was a key player in a case in point, just the other night. Like a fool, I was carrying clean laundry down the stairs, when I learned the hard way that a […]

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Leave A Comment, Unless You Are “Iron Man”

August 2nd, 2010 · Tags: Satire

If every person in my old hometown followed me on Twitter, the followers of @pingwifi would double … the bad news? The number would still be smaller than the calorie intake in my frappuccino. And then, if those followers from Twitter migrated to this Web site, which is my goal … well, who knows what […]

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