Every Day Is Wi-Fi Day … Today PingWi-Fi Be Luvin Sum Earth

April 22nd, 2010 · Tags:Cities · Hotels · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

Earth Day 2010

This is my best Earth Day, in like forever — especially since I don’t remember celebrating the previous 39 events. This ED was special … so special that a stranger walked into my hotel room this morning to share it with me. He woke me up after my all-night stint, cleaning soot from a library in Northern California. (Search “Dirty Gigs” on this site …)

Who was this dude? I don’t know. I checked at the front desk at the Holiday Inn Express here in Santa Cruz. I described him, and they set my mind at ease — assuring me that they DO NOT have a maid who matches his description. Ha … What a relief. Actually, to be truthful, I sort of want to know who the other dude is with free access to me and my valuables.

This helped. The hotel technician did a scan on my room lock with a little gizmo. It assured him, that no one with proper access credentials had been in the room. More good security feelings … LOL.

I joked and asked if the hotel was haunted, which of course, made the technician dude’s eyes light up — if not his gizmo. How very Hotel California!

Speaking of free access, the Wi-Fi here at Holiday Inn E is excellent and free. I have blogged and tweeted in my room, in the lobby and at/near the pool, without ever powering down or losing the signal. If only the door locks worked so well.

No one has used the Wi-Fi to break into my computer, yet, so I feel good about this. The coverage is good too, but a 2-point deduction because I have to enter the password (a nice touristy promotional “boardwalk”) every time I log in … well and because of the whole unscheduled wake up call thing.

Still harping on my uninvited guest … Now I know what it is like to be on the other end of such a transaction. Some of the readers of this blog will recall that near the beginning of my journey, I walked into my room in Vegas only to find some strangers making bad on top of my bedspread. Maybe that was Earth Day too. Hard to say.

What Happened In Vegas

Anyway … I am back on the clock for the Dirty Gigs part of my life tonight … all night … doing some disaster recovery magic to fund this blog. Don’t tell anyone, but I may do a little snooping around tonight to see if my book is in the library’s collection (NOLAN RYAN: The Authorized Pictorial History.)

Briefly today, I LOCKED my hotel room and hopped in the rental car, and headed south. By the way, the rental is so inappropriate for Earth Day. I love it … cruising along Half Moon Bay near Santa Cruz, listening to classic rock Doobie Brothers, and driving a Tony Soprano car — a long, black, four-door Mercury. I think the carbon footprint wears Italian wingtips. Nice.


No more Wi-Fi to report for now. I am too fascinated with all of the cool little taquerias. Today’s treat, camarones quesodillas! Then in it was a 10-ft. walk into the gelato shop next door, where a sweet, cute little Asian college girl gave me cone.

I of course was clad in a PingWi-Fi t-shirt and I was so pleased that she liked the design. Yet, she didn’t realize the significance of the tree-hugger green fabric.

Oh the irony … that a travel blogger from Texas had to inform a Cali girl that it is Earth Day!

But, she got me. “Oh, I didn’t even realize. Every day is Earth Day here!”

So it is.

Know what I sayin?