“Just a song before I go …” Ha … Austin streets were deserted this morning … prolly the biggest hangover day of the year, as SXSW festival ends. I bet there are not very many people who could stomach the Texas-shaped waffles back at the hotel this morning. I digress …
As I walked, waffled-powered that I was, I was lucky enough to see one other human on the street — well, one who didn’t live on the street — so of course I struck up a conversation.
Awesome. The lady had the most delightful British accent … always a good ice breaker on this side of the pond or Lake Austin or whatever. I probed and found out that she worked for The British Embassy music showcase, ironically, the venue where I spent most of my time at SXSW.
Quickly, I forced some PingWi-Fi schwag on her … LOL … actually she accepted it as a token of international relations. Okay … that works for me and sounds much better than shameless self-promotion.
She probed too, and I told her that Ten Bears was one of the better bands I saw at the British Embassy. Her comment was that they might have been better if they had brought their instruments.
Note to self: If I ever use one of the bogus band names on this site, and start a band, and travel abroad … save money by leaving instruments at home, borrow other people’s. Brilliant!
Ah, so that is why Ten Bears kept thanking some guitar provider (GP) during their show. Oh well … they seemed to have adapted to the new instruments just fine.
But just in case they’re in the market to own their own equipment, I will include this link for their future visits.
I met a guitar maker at the show, who ironically, also is from Fort Worth … and he let me sample the wares. What a natural … a Texas-shaped guitar. (I was parked at a table beside him, testing out the Wi-Fi network at the SXSW exhibits hall, of course.)
You wouldn’t believe how many people — from all over the world — came up to this guy in the lobby at SXSW to have their photo made with his Texas T-Caster. Dude … he was about as popular as a swimsuit model at a car show.
Wouldn’t his Texas guitar look great in the hands of ZZ Top or Willie or Pat Green … or even Bob Dylan, now that he wears a cowboy hat everywhere he goes. Or even Ten Bears … LOL.
For now … I guess PingWi-Fi will have to serve as the guitarspokesmodel.
More on SXSW later, as I sort through all the photos, recordings, video and overall feedback.
Know what I sayin?