Entries from March 2010

PingWi-Fi, Keeping Austin UnWired At SXSW

March 31st, 2010 · Tags: Coffee Shops · Hotels · Satire · Sports · Uncategorized

My first Wi-Fi road trip — an 18,000-mile excursion a few years earlier — wrapped up in Austin with a quick visit to the Wi-Fi Alliance world headquarters and another music festival. So, Austin’s recent SXSW festival was not my first rodeo, but it certainly wasn’t the end of the road either. And frankly this […]

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Through The Magic Of Wi-Fi … I Am Watching You

March 28th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Satire · Wi-Fi

It is a magical day at PingWi-Fi. Through the magic that is Facebook, I know that I have a friend/colleague who is working in Santiago, Chile. Ha! If he would sign up for Gowalla or FourSquare, I could tell you what restaurants he frequents. What I can tell you is that he has Wi-Fi at […]

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‘Strummerville’ Director Goes Indy At SXSW With PingWi-Fi

March 24th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities

Don Letts, a Clash survivor, music sample pioneer and film director is also a diplomat. I pushed hard to get Letts to feel my pain and side with me — an independent journalist turned away from an indy music festival by the media credentials staff. Turning away the little guys while giving free passes to […]

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Have Guitar (And Wi-Fi), Will Travel — SXSW

March 21st, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

“Just a song before I go …” Ha … Austin streets were deserted this morning … prolly the biggest hangover day of the year, as SXSW festival ends.  I bet there are not very many people who could stomach the Texas-shaped waffles back at the hotel this morning.  I digress … As I walked, waffled-powered […]

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PingWi-Fi — Dinosaur Rockin Among Newest Music at SXSW

March 20th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities

This week PingWi-Fi traveled to Austin, Texas for the SXSW festival. I am the guy NOT dressed in black – LOL. If you have not attended, it is a two-week assault on the senses, with everything in the worlds of film, interactive and music. Interactive is over … I am focused primarily on the music […]

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Flaming Lips Play Unplugged-ish At Denton’s NX35 Showcase

March 15th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

From the get-go, let me say that the Wi-Fi network at the Flaming Lips concert in Denton, Texas was sub-standard … because there wasn’t one. No worries. Most of the audience was toting 3G and 4G phones … and I think their messages were mainly photos and “look at me at the Flaming Lips concert” […]

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“Tent Making,” Branding Wi-Fi … A Place For All On Twitter

March 12th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Gadgets · Satire

Before there were links, there was this TV host/author named Art Linkletter. He was famous for the phrase “kids say the darnedest things.” They do. My friends have a young child who has just started preschool and apparently they spend most of their time counting … so he counts everything. He told his mom he […]

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It’s Not The End … Just Blogging About Nothing

March 7th, 2010 · Tags: Satire

Occasionally, I blog about nothing — dating back to the days before I migrated my content over from a MySpace blog. Remember MySpace? I digress. So … “blogs about nothing” — it’s what I know most about. Well … I was driving home the other night thinking about some friends who have a new baby. […]

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ArtReach — Revealing What We Know Of Another Dimension, True Creativity

March 1st, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Wi-Fi

To fund the PingWi-Fi travel blog, I also do dirty gigs in the disaster recovery industry … with much less fanfare than the “Dirty Jobs” guy on TV — I might add. Each trip gives me some pretty good stories to blog from the road … cuts … bruises … etc. But, a recent trip […]

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