Entries from February 2010

Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive (Toyotas) Engaged, Unless It’s Wi-Fi

February 26th, 2010 · Tags: Satire · Wi-Fi

Years ago I read this funny quip. I think it was in Reader’s Digest … man I used to love me some R’s-D … what with things like “I Am Joe’s Pancreas” and stuff like that … I digress. Anyway, some reader related a true story about a car swerving through traffic … prolly a […]

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Blogging About Nothing When Train Of Thought Broken

February 24th, 2010 · Tags: Politics

Perhaps the most quoted bit of wisdom is the adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” (Yes there are more grammatically correct versions, but I just don’t think they have as much impact …) You hear this in corporate offices, sitcoms, newsrooms, etc. I think I learned the phrase from my football coach. Back […]

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Phat Tuesday On Southwest, Should Have Been Wi-Fi

February 16th, 2010 · Tags: Airports · Satire · Wi-Fi

I was flying on Southwest Airlines recently when I experienced one of those conundrums … or maybe a good news/bad news scenario. Who don’t like sum good news first: The good news — there was an excellent Wi-Fi , wireless network available — boasting of speeds greater than 54.0 Mbps. The bad news — film […]

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Happy Valentines Day!

February 13th, 2010 · Tags: Uncategorized

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They Used To Call This ‘Getting Ink’ … Among Other Things

February 10th, 2010 · Tags: Airports · Wi-Fi

It may surprise you that I don’t particularly like self promotion. However, PingWi-Fi.com has two staffers … so you do the math.  Like it or not, I have to go out and tell people that I can be somewhat interesting … sometimes … when I am not totally boring which is probably most of the […]

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PingWi-Fi To Allow Comments — As If …

February 9th, 2010 · Tags: Satire

So … they say a blog MUST allow readers to chime in and post comments.  I think the attorneys came up with that idea, because of all the potential risk … billable hours and all that. Well, it has taken me a year, but I have finally warmed up to the idea.  I wonder how […]

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Wi-Fi Pickins – Slim; City Museum Requires Gut Check

February 4th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

Have you seen that show “American Pickers” on The History Channel? By the way, the first of my three trips across America was as PR guy for the The History Channel sponsored “The Great Race.” I digress … Back on track … Pickers, right … Two guy travel the country in a huge foreign -looking […]

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PingWi-Fi Hotspot Tracker Puts Butts In Seats, So To Speak

February 3rd, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops

PingWi-Fi man cannot live on rock shows alone. He muth have coffee … and Wi-Fi, so finally I did some hotspot exploring in St. Louis. First stop — Park Avenue Coffee. When I finally found the coffee shop, it was very easy. It was in the last place I looked, as the old adage goes. […]

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PingWi-Fi Timetrips To Music Of ‘Killer’ Solo Act In St. Louis

February 2nd, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Gadgets · Wi-Fi

I won’t lie. I was wearing a Mexican Baja hippie hoodie — in rastaman red-green-gold — before most of his fans were born … but it was all about the music at Keller Williams’ show at the intimate Pageant Theatre the other night in St. Louis. I mean, who don’t love a Phish-ish, Grateful Dead-esque […]

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