Keller Williams Show — PingWi-Fi Kicks Off St. Louis With Music Hotspot

January 29th, 2010 · Tags:Arts · Cities · Gadgets

There is no telling how many times I have mentioned my love of random concerts in cities where I travel. Those are the best.

Last summer, I stumbled upon Cracker playing outside on the banks of the Ohio River in Louisville, Kent. Many years ago there was a chance sighting of Echo & The Bunnymen in Rome. Then there was South African Johnny Clegg in Washington, DC. Snoop Dog at Sundance Film Festival, etc. I met 311 in a hotel bar in Kansas City … but can’t count that one because they had already played …

Any way, the point — sometimes random, unexpected concerts are the best.

But then again, once in a great while, I actually make plans. This week I am pumped about a show in St. Louis’ Pageant Theatre. Surely I won’t jinx the show by being so type A as to plan for once. We shall see.

Can’t wait to check out Keller Williams for the first time, or K-Dub as some call him. I am told he is masterful in his solo-ness, so to speak — laying down a jazzy riff, sampling it, replaying it on a loop and accompanying himself with other instruments.

Crap … I am new at this planning thing or I would have brought along my brand new gadget, an M-Audio MicroTrak digital recorder … because I am told Mr. Keller is so down with the whole recording his shows thing … as long as it is for personal consumption — fun, yet not-for-profit (Ha … Like

Well, although I will miss out on recording Keller live, I am sure I will have much more to say, after the show … because, in the immortal words of Jimmy Buffet: “Don’t try to describe a KISS concert if you’ve never seen one.”

Keller Williams

Well … yes, BTW, I saw KISS in the 70s, but frankly I wasn’t compelled to write until now — great pyrotechnics, excellent costume/branding, good showmanship and really, really sub-par songs for the most part. I digress …

So anyway, the team is always looking to be impressed and to expand the ol’ music vocab thanks to this one-man jam band.

Bring it on KW … and as the Keller site says, “kick off your shoes brothers and sisters, you’ve arrived …”

Here is info. on the show at The Pageant in the STL:

The Pageant

Know what I sayin?