There has been only one time that I have regretted taking on my new “dirty gigs” assignments. (If you haven’t been following along, I have been working in disaster recovery to fund my ongoing addiction to travel for Wi-Fi’s sake.)
A recent gig required that I stay in Winston-Salem, N.C. rather than return to my boyhood home in Texas for the annual community barbecue.
For only the third time in my life, this year I missed the Oldham County Roundup in Vega, Texas. One day late, I wrapped up in W-S, then spent one day in Fort Worth, before hitting the road to Kentucky for another job.
Get this … I am now in OLDHAM County, Kentucky … Louisville to be exact, on the banks of The Ohio River. Quite a coincidence … this two Oldham Counties thing. So anyway, something about being in Oldham County makes me feel right at home here in L-Ville. But there’s more.
The first night out on the town, I rushed over to the bright lights of Fourth Street Live in the historic downtown. Eventually, I felt even more welcomed.
But first, I was curious. There were all these people on the street, dressed in coats/ties and ladies in evening dress. Curiosity got the best of me, so I filed on in the grandiose Hilton:
Normally, I am somewhat reserved. But, when I am on the clock as a blogger, I force myself to be more outgoing. This night, I took one for the team, so to speak.
After I checked for and found Wi-Fi in the Hilton lobby, I accosted three women to get more info. on the big par-tay.
It seems I had walked in on a huge fundraiser gala to assist in Louisville’s fight against cancer. I am all about good causes. Cancer fighting is a fave. But have no doubt, my favorite cause is … so the “gears’ were turning. How can I make this into content for a blog, I thought.
Well … I always try to meet new people and put their photos on the blog, hoping to increase readership. So, I suggested to these fine ladies that I take their photo and put it up on PingWi-Fi.
“I’ve got a better idea,” one of them replied. “Why don’t you take a photo with us?”
Sounds good to me. We flagged down a bellman … and well … the rest is history.
Welcome to Louisville. Who don’t like some group hugs? I like this town!
Know what I sayin?