Twitter Me This Batman: ‘Can One Really Get Too Many Tweets?’

April 27th, 2009 · Tags:Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

One night I remembered the sordid details of some non-Freudian dream (darn it) in which I was tweeting status updates throughout the night.

You do Twitter, right? (If so, feel free to follow @pingwifi):

This I know. I have two psychics “following me” on Twitter … but I have to ask, why aren’t they leading? I digress …

Well dreaming in tweets is weird … even by my standards. So I sent out a call for public relations professionals to confess their Twitter dependencies.

Anyone else tweeting 24/7 mentally and/or physically? And what do you like on Twitter?

Well … by the responses, no interventions called for yet, but some interesting thoughts:

New Wave rocker/PR pro Andrea Delesdernier admits she now falls asleep counting tweets and wraps her arms around her Blackberry first thing every morning, to check the headlines on Twitter.

“I haven’t crossed over into too much Twitter yet. But my mind does wander to wonder if I’ve missed anything by not checking my tweets.”

Thomas Crampton shared the results of PT, or premature tweetage.

Thomas was on a panel for the Council of PR Firms in Hong Kong and revealed to the audience his new position at OgilvyPR in Asia. No sooner said than someone in the audience — @Cynthiamania — tweeted it to the world.

Crampton also credits a misfire on a microblog for playing a role in a near-failed marriage.

I suggest practicing safe texts!

Dave Clarke, who I assume is not “THE Dave Clarke” of DCFive fame admits his purpose in life is to tweet, but PR pays the bills.

Erika Beck of Ryder Media likes a fake Twitter account by action film director, @Michael_Bay:
“Had sort of a rough morning, so I bought a Lamborghini. And then lit it on fire on McG’s lawn. BOOOOM.”

David Manning, consultant and Mizzou journalism mentor, said, “I consider twitter short-wave radio or short-hand messaging. ”

Jake Wengroff of Frost & Sullivan, is a one-man tent revival for Twitter.

“I keep a Twitter Web page open all day at work, and constantly refresh the page. I freak out when my number of followers dwindle (perhaps due to some closing their accounts). I tell everyone about the wonders of Twitter and perform one-on-one trainings to fellow employees. I downloaded TwitterBerry for the BlackBerry and tweet when I’m out and about.”

Yes, by this recent tweet, I think Jake may be bordering on giddy:

“Lusting after square dinner plates @Wal-Mart. Stoneware, ‘Mystic Odyssey,’ microwave and dishwasher safe. Rock on, big box retail!”

Penny Sansevieri, who markets authors, said, “I don’t dream about Twitter (yet) but I am really connected. So much so that if I had a dime for every time someone asked me if I ever sleep I’d be as rich as Oprah.

“I have my Tweetdeck up all day, run tweets throughout the day, check my Facebook peeps for their updates, do commenting — eh, yeah — as you can see, much too connected. Getting Twitter and FB on my blackberry was a mistake too. Now I have NO excuse!”

Rachel Berry of VoxusPR said they use Twitter exclusively to post job openings and to stay up to speed in the Pacific Northwest tech scene.

Bob Poole recommended @worldmegan for this tweet: “When I buy books I always feel the urge to throw them into the air and swim around in them, like Scrooge McDuck.” And that comes with a cartoon, I am told:  “I thought I was a victim of life sucking zombies & asked for help from a zombie expert.”

Jackson Jeyanayagam of Waggener Edstrom mentioned @RyahBlockfor: “Something tells me the next version of the iPod shuffle will just be a pair of headphones. And the version after that will be an empty box.”

Dan Weedin, a Seattle-based executive speech coach and trainer, follows @BertDecker for his quotes, including this one in which he tweets a higher Source:

“A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a bandit …” Proverbs 6:10

Lorrie Thomas is a self-diagnosed Twitter abuser. She also may take an occasional drink from the self-promotion KoolAid:

“As a web marketing therapist, I diagnosed twitteritis”: … “and I professed my addiction to social media (namely twitter) on my blog”:

In summary — way too much to mention in one blog. Keep ’em coming. Among the other favorites recommended: @skydiver (Shankman, HARO), Guy Kawasaki, Profnet’s Maria Perez, Dr. Pete, @joelcomm, Esther Schindler and many, many more.

My faves?

@PaulaBerg,  @JuliaAngwin, @Kabster728, @Almacy, @AlaskaAir, @Icerocket, @copyblogger, @meredith_turney, @jspepper, @realgeeksride, @BizAvWeekly, @Shonali, @RockMusicNews, @TheDigitalLife, @AssociatedPress, @Pistachio, @KodakCB, @Scobleizer, @dcagle and of course, @SteveRubel … and about a billion others.