Tea Party Patriots Welcome Perry, Tough Texan Talk

April 16th, 2009 · Tags:Cities · Politics · Satire

Perhaps it is premature to predict that Texas Governor Rick Perry will be the next U.S. President, but it is interesting to note that 5,000 people showed up in Fort Worth yesterday to see him stump at LaGrave Field.  That’s not bad — 5,000 people — four years before the election.  So, will the First Aggie of Texas become the 2012th Man for America?  And don’t get me wrong, there were people there from every party, as well as “non-partisan” Ron Paul-ites.

I attended the Tea Party in Fort Worth to see what all the “chatter” was about (as ObamaLand Security called it).  I was surprised.  There were many more American flags than Texan flags … a gathering of the real patriots.  Contrast that with the fact that Obama is the first president to have states seriously discussing secession since 1850! (That’s quite a gem for the old First Scrapbook.)

Beyond flying the colors, the bleachers at LaGrave Field were covered with lots of middle class men, business owners, politically active women, children and yes some cultural diversity.  Why not more diversity? Well, any marketing person worth their salt would say the demographic group was the product of the media — since conservative talk radio pretty much owned the story prior to the event.  (That prolly will explain why the hip-hop generation chose to stay home, take bong hits and play Wii instead.)

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