The meek are jumping the gun a bit, dontcha think?
Let’s just cut to the chase. There are several tsunamis of insanity circling our globe at any one time, fueled by unintelligent media propaganda.
The latest — Susan Boyle.
I am happy for her success. But I am a little nauseated by the reality. (Yes, I just threw up a little in my mouth.)
Don’t get me wrong. She has a nice voice. But it’s just not all that extraordinary. It’s simply not. There are several ladies in my church who can better her — on any given Sunday — although they don’t have the cool Scottish accent.
Why are we all watching the video millions of times on YouTube?
Because she ugly!
(Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
There I said it. Everyone knows it. We are all guilty of thinking it. Leno even spoofed her. But no one will say it. If it weren’t the case, she would never have made it on the show.
I watched several weekend talk shows tiptoe all around the U word … “meek,” “humble,” “unassuming” blah, blah, blah. NPR’s Cokie Roberts basically said the other people on the show looked like Kens and Barbies … so they weren’t as real as Ms. Boyle! (Has anyone ever seen Cokie Roberts and June Lockhart in the same room at the same time? I digress …)
To quote the great Morrissey: “I am so sickened now.”
But this is what is really frustrating … no one will admit we are overcompensating. Listen to her, without watching … nothing really all that special.
We all think such a lovely voice can only come from Britney Spears, Stephanie Mills, Fergie, Lauryn Hill, or whoever, so we overcompensate and give the wallflower more credit than she deserves.
It’s beyond a backhanded compliment. It’s a stealth insult. It’s the equivalent of saying “You sing pretty well … no wait, you’re a female Shrek, so you get special consideration.”
Great. Ugly is the new attractive. And aesthetically impaired have their own affirmative action to right the wrongs of a millenia of natural selection.
Imagine the impact of society. People will soon start getting the latest fashion craze — eyebrow implants.
People will change their last names to boil, pimple and canker sore respectively, to get some attention.
… Health clubs charging premium prices to help women bulk up and fill out those dresses.
People will boast of being 40 and untouched by another’s lips.
What is wrong with this messed up Obamaworld?