Wi-Fi Should Never Interfere With Planting Season

March 15th, 2009 · Tags:Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

Early on, the editorial board of this blog decided not to post comments on the fly, from all readers.  However, all are invited to send in comments for our consideration.

For example, I received a nice note from the people at The Garden District coffee shop on in Austin, after my tongue-in-cheek remarks earlier in the visit to SXSW.  No matter what I said … great place.  I want to go back.  Our biggest point of contention was that TGD shuts off their Wi-Fi.  Well .. there is a good reason.  See the comments I received from a reader, below:



“The Garden District has to shut down its Wi-Fi (between the hours of 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Fri., Sat., Sun.) due to its lease agreement with its landlord, The Great Outdoors, whose parking lot they share. The Wi-Fi black out only lasts for 6 weeks during the busiest part of the spring planting season. All other times of the year the Wi-Fi is up and running all hours, and the Garden District is open. As for the gammon, you are always welcome to bring one by. Thanks.”

Makes sense to me, and I am sure the locals probably know the Wi-Fi/planting season rule.  And now I do.  The Garden District is cool enough to take down the schedule and plan around that.  Good times.

As for bringing my own backgammon board — I am there.  How about my foosball table? Ah-ight?

Know what I saying?