Entries from March 2009

OK Spuds, PingWi-Fi Has The New Rules From Devo

March 21st, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Wi-Fi

If you have not seen it, you may want to check out the written version of the Mark Mothersbaugh (Devo) interview from a couple of days ago.  PingWi-Fi caught up with the band in Dallas, on their way to SXSW in Austin.  Note: If you have seen the written interview, there is some information in […]

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Does The IQ Surpass The Bowling Score? — Dodging Red Balls

March 21st, 2009 · Tags: Politics · Satire

With only a couple of exceptions, every year I drive to the top of Texas for the annual beer fest and old-timers barbecue in my home town. I only partake of one of those delicacies these days, but it is still worth the five-hour drive to see old friends. Two years ago, I learned that […]

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PingWi-Fi Takes On Devo Before SXSW — Ain’t Through Bein’ Coo

March 19th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

After seeing Devo perform live, I realized their true genius — from a marketing perspective. Of all the cerebral things they did — nothing was more strategic than the nerdy, sci-fi, futuristic personas they created! Why? Because 20 years later, their nerdiness is preserved perfectly. Look at a boy-band after puberty — but would you […]

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PingWi-Fi Asks Devo-esque Question: ‘Are We Not Twins?’

March 19th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Satire · Wi-Fi

“It’s not to late to whip it.  Whip it good.” I ain’t gonna lie (because there is no time for that) … I was at a loss as to what to wear to interview Mark Mothersbaugh, frontman for Devo (and brilliant soundtrack dude).  I don’t have a Devo helmet, nor their trademark spud collar.  Hmmm […]

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After All Is Said — What In It Fo Me, Yo? A SXSW Takeaway

March 18th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

Well … as a matter of fact, I do take offense to the person who messaged me about “bats flying out of my b..t” after the last post at PingWi-fi.  But, I am going to keep my head up and move forward. So, who don’t love them some schwag!?! Call me biased, but my two […]

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Who Don’t Love A Top-10 List? PingWi-Fi On SXSW

March 18th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Restaurant · Satire · Wi-Fi

No doubt there are too many embarrassing moments and too much stuff I can’t repeat from SXSW Interactive.  But, I figure why not share some details.  In addition to finding great Wi-Fi at The Four Seasons, Garden District, The Driskil, Halcyon, Austin Java, Jo’s and more … here are the …

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SXSW Festival Serves Wi-Fi, Live Appearances

March 17th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

This morning on Austin’s FM 107, I heard that David (daVEED) Garza was playing live in the lobby of The Four Seasons hotel.  Rats … got there too late.  But, I got to see another Austin favorite perform,  Bob Schneider. (Got the last of the breakfasts burritos, too, I might add.)

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Keep Austin Wi-Fi — Bike Tour Beyond SXSW

March 16th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

For all road warriors, I can’t think of a better rule of thumb — carry a bike in the back of your hybrid, H2 or whatever.  It saves gas, saves the planet, infuriates cabbies and gets you where you want to go most economically.  Last night I road up  and down 6th Street several times […]

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Austin Venturing Beyond SXSW — Wi-Fi Quest

March 16th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

Ok … I tried out a really cool coffee shop/cafe, right in the thick of things, near the SXSW show — Halcyon.  Right off the bat, I learned how they keep up with the high rent — $3.50 for a n/a ginger beer.  But it was good.

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If/When You Get Into The Endzone …

March 15th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Wi-Fi

In the event there may be no perfect scores during the Austin visit .. this is what it would look like on the Ping-o-tron score card.  But … I am hopeful.  Any suggestions?  Have you found Wi-Fi nirvana and cafeine goodness while in Austin?  Suggestioins welcome.

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