Finicky Readers May Find Food For Thought In Twitter Treats

March 10th, 2009 · Tags:Politics · Satire · Wi-Fi

Ever wonder why the word “random” is such a part of our everyday conversation lately? I think I have found the culprits — first stream-of-consciousness blogging and now the TV-dinners of blogging — tweets … those 140-gram appetizers on Twitter.

Unfortunately, I have run across some people who are still TI — Twitter intolerant. Assuming everyone is reading blogs now, I thought it might be fun to post some tweets that were flagged as faves by readers. Here are some highlights from @pingwifi on Twitter.

Feel free to sample — not unlike a morsel of microwaved goodness at Sam’s Club. If you like, you can follow “pingwifi” on Twitter for today’s special — about $1.27 for one package, or two for $1.99 … blah, blah, blah … Here is a twittering of one liners:

  • Talking dirty on today … I mean nastay! … filthy kinda dirty talk — actually “Dirty Jobs” is the topic of choice today.
  • Is “ridiculous” also your favorite new overused catchphrase … as it is mine? Ridiculous!
  • I ain’t gonna lie .. Rap has been down hill, post “Brass Monkey” by dem Beastie fellas. But it makes me crave Ben & Jerry’s chunky monk
  • “Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.” On this day, 1876 Zander Graham Bell invented the ping, and the man crush all in one voice mail.
  • Cleaning up pad. Mysterious partay in my crib while I was out of town??? How much can I get to recycle all this aluminum?
  • I have been wondering about that Supergrass song and the soundtrack forever, but have been clueless.
  • Amazing – the Google searches that bring people to Someone searched cajun Fiddlin Frenchy Burke, and it landed them on ping!
  • I shot the sheriff, but no, I didnt stop there … in fact, I continued on to shoot the deputy … sorry … got Bob Marley now on WOXY
  • I just threw my TV out the window … saw the Jitterbug commercial one time too many.
  • In other news, Dan Rather debuted as CBS Evening News anchor on this day in 81 … remember, check those sources!:)
  • Happy Birthday Barbie! Made debut this day, 1959. Who knew crazies would undergo multiple surgeries to replicate a plastic icon?
  • I took a female reporter with me to interview Stiv Bators, when he was with Lords of New Church … he tried to remove her leather skirt!
  • Man … need to find tapes of my rock interviews .. I have The Clash, need to locate Stevie Ray interview & Willie Dixon .. got Bow Wow Wow.
  • Get this. Pyrha had photo of herself hanging with The Beatles in India. She personally introduced me to Ravi Shankar .. now that diverse!
  • I won’t lie. My HP broke down, and they gave me the best service ever! Fixed, shipped back in just a few work days. Like new. Me like!
  • Willard Scott is 75 today. 25 more years and he can wish himself happy birthday on TV.
  • This date 2003, Broadway musicians went on strike, crippling musicals, actually triggering the entire current economic woe:)
  • coolio, just saw Republican, pro-moral bumper sticker in espano. How I know? It also had subtitles:)
  • challenging Obama to gut it up, quit smoking, lead by example and save US billions on healthcare costs!
  • pulled over by Pennsylvania trooper .. he had taser in his pocket AND he was happy to see us.
  • Have you seen the hilarious political cartoon of Nancy Pelosi (jack) in-a-box? Popping up to clap on command to whatever rhetoric BO spews?

Plenty more tidbits at:

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