This Just In From ‘Our Düsseldorf Desk’ … (Press Release)

January 15th, 2009 · Tags:Uncategorized

Wi-Fi-based Positioning Technology By Spotigo, Available In More Than 25 Countries

Düsseldorf / Madrid — The German software and service provider Spotigo announced that its Wi-Fi-based Positioning Solution (“WiPS”) is now available in more than 25 countries.  Major cities in the United States, Germany, UK, Spain, France, Russia, India, Korea, etc. are covered significantly already.

Those cities include Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Amsterdam, New York, St. Petersburg, Singapore, and Bangalore.

“It’s really impressive, how rapidly the coverage is growing, our self-learning system works extremely powerfully and reliably” said Daniel Prümers, CEO of Spotigo. “We are looking forward to being able to provide a world-wide service within the next few months.”

Spotigo’s Wi-Fi-based positioning technology identifies the user’s position on the basis of the received Wi-Fi signal patterns. It is the perfect complement to GPS since it compensates the limitations of satellite-based positioning: especially in urban areas with high buildings and narrow streets, WiPS usually generates a faster fix, more reliable and more accurate results than GPS. Another important advantage of this new technology is the indoor and 3D functionality.

Since it also works perfectly as a standalone positioning solution, Spotigo’s WiPS now makes it possible to offer location-aware content on all mobile devices without GPS module. As a B2B company, Spotigo offers WiPS to companies, municipalities and organizations interested in offering high quality location-based services or location-based advertising.

For more information on Spotigo: