PingWi-Fi Lands Cushy Seat On NetGear Center Stage

January 9th, 2009 · Tags:Gadgets · Satire

Among the cool attractions at any tradeshow, there is one constant that draws people to the booth — a comfortable couch.  So, after I got some information from NetGear on their award-winning routers and their storage solutions and their multi-media boxes for HD entertainment.  I sampled their cushy chairs, and was just about to use their wireless network … when someone asked me to move.

Ha.  I thought, “Man, you people just don’t care about us bloggers.  I am sitting at ground zero of your exhibit and saying good things about you … and you’re throwing me out?

Well … it seems the woman wasn’t actually a NetGear staffer — and she gave me a t-shirt to ease the pain.  She was a member of a comedy improv group that was about to start the show.  Guess who was sitting in the couch on stage.  Oops!

Hey, you, off of my couch

Hey, you, off of my couch

I negotiated for another t-shirt and then moved my big ol’ arse so the show could begin.  Funny … before the show I wondered why no one else was sitting on the counches … and I noticed the lights were a bit bright for my taste.  But, I put my feet up on the coffee table and blogged anyway …  The show is over know … and I am back … in their living room … until the improv team comes back to sing about wireless routers.

See more cool stuff, without the song and dance at:

Media attention

Media attention

Know what I sayin?