Let’s Give Away A Boingo Treat While We Tweet … Takers?

January 2nd, 2009 · Tags:Satire · Sports

Internet is today’s radio!

What I mean … years ago I worked for an Album Oriented Rock station in a cowboy oriented town … long story … but anyway, I always enjoyed working those radio remotes.  The deejay would do live breakaways from Pink Floyd or whatever, and we would give stuff away on location.  And we would do wild stuff on the air, trying to create good “theater of the mind” attempting to make it sound like so much fun, folks had to rush on over.

The highlight of my radio career … we were at a tanning salon, broadcasting live, so on the air, we cut out the call letters from a station bumpersticker.  I pasted the K square on my left haunch … and entered the tanning booth.  Well … the lights worked just fine and thousands of listeners (sadly) had the mental picture of my newly branded behind.  Perhaps giving away t-shirts was more effective.  We did that too.

So, today I am reminded of that because I am givin it away now, away now … As I twitter the Texas Tech vs. Ole Miss Cotton Bowl on line … I am giving away merchandise provided by Jeremy at Boingo.  Michelle from Boston just nabbed the first t-shirt.

The next person to e-mail me here at the PingWi-Fi site gets their choice of a t-shirt or a really funky little luggage tag that lights up when it moves.  I need to ask Jeremy if it is also a Wi-Fi finder … frankly … I don’t know.

Anyway … the booty is up for grabs.  If you haven’t found it … the “Ping Us” tab at the top will get your e-mail to us.

So … halftime of the AT&T Cotton Bowl is almost over … need to get back to the twitter controls.

Know what I sayin?