Audi Goes Digital … What, No Wi-Fi?

October 23rd, 2008 · Tags:Gadgets · Sports

Sweet tunes for sweet rides …

Audi to Expand Audio Offerings with HD Radio™ Technology
HERNDON, Va., Oct 22, 2008  –  Providing drivers with a heightened entertainment experience, Audi of America today announced plans to offer HD Radio technology as a standard feature in many of its vehicles beginning with 2011 models, which will start arriving in dealerships in 2010. These luxury vehicles will be fully equipped with the best in digital broadcast engineering, top-of-the-line AM/FM HD Radio audio systems featuring added content and format choices and crystal-clear sound.

For the complete release, you can tune in at:

Better music for roadtrips warrants a rating in our books!

I test drove new Audis at a media event a couple of years ago.  Hahahah … you should have seen the team scatter as I fishtailed around the track.  “What?  You mean I am supposed to avoid the orange cones?”  I guess I just have a thing for orange, triangular shapes … But I am going to give a few “cones” back to Audi.  The auto manufacture gets 5 of 7 pings on that note.

Know what I sayin?